We offer hatching eggs, chicks, juveniles and adults for sale. Blue Acres is NPIP-certified (No. 417) AI/PT clean and can ship across state lines.
Delta is shipping lives again! This means we can start shipping lives (chicks, juveniles, and adults) in 2025. Lives will be shipped via Delta ONLY. No exceptions. We do not ship lives via USPS. We do however regularly ship hatching eggs via USPS. Delta requires specific containers depending on age and type of live shipment. Please review their website to decide whether this is something you want to pursue. You will need to be at the airport to pick up your birds.
We typically have a waiting list, so send us an email with what you are looking for and how many.
Hatching Eggs
Breda fowl (BBS): $9 each or $100/dozen.
​Shipping: $25 flat rate for one dozen. $35 flat rate for two dozen.
Eggs are shipped in a foam shipper. Shipping dependent on weather; no shipping during extreme weather.
Breda fowl (BBS): Straight-run. $18 each.
Barnyard mix: Straight-run. $4 each.
Juveniles and Adults
Pricing varies.